Lawrence Publishing Company

Legal Materials from Various Latin American Republics, Puerto Rico, and Spain

Lawrence Publishing Company's Most Current Editions of Latin American and Spanish Codes and other Materials
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Mexican Legal Materials and Cuban Legal Materials
Legal Materials from Various Latin American Republics, Puerto Rico, and Spain
Spanish-English/English-Spanish Legal Terminology

effective since August 1, 2015

An English translation with an introduction and index, 2nd Edition 2025, by Julio Romañach, Jr.

isbn-13 (978-1-4004-0079-9)

US$240.00 per copy + $20.00 s/h

Paperbound 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 506 pages

     Argentina has enacted a new Civil and Commercial Code and has repealed the Civil Code as well as the Commercial Code (except for a few articles).  This publication is the second edition of Romanach's English translation of the New Civil and Commercial Code of Argentina which went into effect on August 1, 2015.

    The new Civil and Commercial Code of Argentina is, without a doubt, the most significant legislative enactment from South America in a century and a half.  It is also thus far, in all probability, the most significant legislative accomplishment in the civil-law world of the twenty-first century.  The new Code, consisting of 2,671 articles divided into a Preliminary Title and six Books, touches upon nearly every aspect of private law, from family relations to sophisticated commercial transactions.  It covers, for example, Argentina's contract law, real estate law, the law of torts, successions, and security rights.  It also contains what is essentially a Code of Private International Law that incorporates the latest developments in the area of conflict of laws.  The new Code provides rules governing traditional civil-law contracts such as sale and lease; as well as special provisions for contracts involving consumers; and commercial contracts -- such as franchising, concessions, and banking contracts just to name a few.  No fewer than thirty special contracts are regulated by the new Civil and Commercial Code of Argentina.
This second edition of Romanach's English translation of the Civil and Commercial Code of Argentina (2025) is a revised and updated work, containing updates reflected in official sources as of November 25, 2024.  During the decade that transpired since the publication of the first edition of this work, the Argentine Congress and the Executive Power have approved significant amendments to the Argentine Civil and Commercial Code.  Julio Romanach has carefully translated all statutes and decrees affecting the Civil and Commercial Code, incorporating all changes in the law into this edition.  In order to increase the usefulness of this work as a research tool, all amended articles contain both the original version as approved in 2014 as well  as the amended text.

The Civil Code of Chile (2022 Edition)

An English translation with an Introduction, Index and Appendix by Julio Romañach, Jr.

isbn-13 (978-1-4004-0063-5 at US$240.00 per copy + US$20.00Shipping & Handling per copy (USA destination)

Published 2022, Paperbound 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 419 pages

The 2022 Edition is a revised and updated fourth edition of Romañach’s English translation of the Civil Code of Chile, which was first published in 2008, with revised and updated second and third editions appearing in 2014 and 2017, respectively.  As in the case of other civil-law jurisdictions, the Civil Code of Chile is the backbone of Chile’s legal system.  It contains rules governing basic areas such as contracts, property, torts, obligations, sales, leases, family law, security rights, and the law of damages.  The provisions of the Civil Code of Chile also serve as gap fillers in other areas of Chilean private law, and even in public law.  It also serves as an excellent introduction to the Chilean legal system.  The Civil Code of Chile is divided into a preliminary title and four books.  The preliminary title contains fundamental provisions that are applicable throughout the Civil Code.  Book One deals with domicile, family law, and juridical persons.  Book Two deals with basic principles of the law of property, ownership, usufruct, use, habitation, servitudes and possession, among other topics.  Book Three deals with successions by reason of death and donations inter vivos.  Both testamentary succession and intestate succession are addressed as well as rules governing the part of a person’s estate that is called the “forced portion”, to which certain heirs may be entitled as their “legitime”.  Book Four contains rules on the law of obligations, special contracts, torts, and security rights among other subjects.  This edition includes an introduction on the structure of the code and a subject-matter index citing to Civil Code article numbers.   The 2022 Edition includes all amendements approved by the Chilean Congress as of August 5, 2022, reflected in official sources.   Through the enactment of Law No 21,400 and other statutes the Congress of Chile has sought to allow and protect marriages of persons of the same sex.  This new development required drafting of amendments to articles throughout the Civil Code, including not only provisions governing marriage, but also laws governing parental authority, presumption of paternity, matrimonial property, and a host of others. 


The Civil Code of Ecuador (2022 Edition)

An English translation with an Introduction and Index

by Julio Romañach, Jr.

isbn-13 (978-1-4004-0065-1) at US$240.00 per copy + US$20.00 Shipping

& Handling per copy (USA destination)

Published 2022, Paperbound 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 426 pages

The 2022 Edition of the Civil Code of Ecuador is the second edition of Romañach’s English translation of this Code; the first edition having been published in 2017.   The 2022 edition includes all amendments approved by the National Assembly of Ecuador as of September 10, 2022, as reflected in official sources.  As in the case of other civil-law jurisdictions, the Civil Code of Ecuador is the centerpiece of Ecuador’s civil law system.  This Code, which dates from the mid-nineteenth century, has been amended from time to time to meet special needs and to incorporate legal developments.  It deals with the basic institutions of private law such as property, contracts, family law, sales, leases, obligations, security rights and many others.  The Civil Code of Ecuador is divided into a preliminary title and four books.  The preliminary title is devoted to fundamental principles governing the Ecuadoran legal order.  Book One is devoted fundamentally to family law.  Book Two deals with the law of property.  It begins with general rules on the law of things, and then moves on to ownership, including national ownership.  It also deals with the institution of usufruct and other dismemberments of ownership, and includes possession, reivindicatory actions, and possessory actions, among the other subjects.  Book Three concerns successions by reason of death and donations inter vivos.  Both testamentary (including rules on kinds of testaments, their revocation and revision) and intestate successions are fully addressed as well as succession by universal or particular title.  Book Four of the Civil Code deals fundamentally with the law of obligations, which at civil law includes the law of contracts as well as torts, and several special contracts, including sale, lease, agency and partnership.  Book Four also provides rules on suretyship, mortgage, and pledge, as well as the ranking and priority of claims.  It concludes with rules on prescription, both acquisitive and liberative.

  The 2022 Edition includes a special new feature: an Appendix of selected provisions from  the Commercial Code of Ecuador translated into English.  The appendix includes the articles of the general rules of commercial contracting, assignment of contracts, commercial sales, and commercial supply contracts among others.



The Civil Code of the Dominican Republic (2017 Edition)

An English translation with an Introduction, Index, and Appendices by Julio Romañach, Jr.

isbn-13 (978-1-4004-0035-5) at US$240.00 per copy + US$20.00 Shipping & Handling per copy (USA destination)

Published 2017, Paperbound 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 375 pages

The 2017 Edition of the Civil Code of the Dominican Republic is the first edition of Romañach’s English translation of that Code.  The Civil Code of the Dominican Republic was originally derived from the Code Napoleon and has been in full force and effect since 1884.  This Code, amended on multiple occasions since its promulgation, remains a plentiful repository of civil law rules.  While some archaic provisions, primarily in the area of family law, have been expressly repealed or repealed by implication by the enactment of codes and statutes dealing with the same subject matter, many of the original rules remain in full force and effect and have withstood the test of time. They retain the clarity of exposition and substantive relevance that they had when originally enacted.  This is particularly true in the area of property law (Book Two of the Civil Code), the general principles of contract law (known as the law of obligations in the civil law), and several fundamental special contracts, such as sale, mandate (agency) and partnership.

The law of divorce is fundamentally dealt with outside the Civil Code.  The rules currently in force, according to official sources, are set forth in English translation in an Appendix to Romañach’s English translation of the Civil Code.  Other areas of family law, such as parental authority, custody, visitation rights, child support, and the law of adoption, are now dealt with comprehensively outside the Civil Code in a special code enacted for the protection of fundamental rights in 2003.  Selected provisions of that code are set forth in English translation in a second Appendix to Romañach’s English translation of the Civil Code. 

The Civil Code of the Dominican Republic remains the centerpiece of the Dominican Republic’s civil law system.  It provides default rules for many private law transactions and its provisions are applicable by analogy throughout the Dominican legal order.




(English Translation) 
An English translation with an introduction, index, annotations, appendices, and glossary of selected venezuelan civil law terms
by Julio Romañach, Jr.
isbn-13 (978-1-4004-0073-7)

US$240.00 per copy + $20.00 s/h

Paperbound 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 377 pages


The 2023 Edition is the second publication of Romañach’s English translation of the Civil Code of Venezuela.  As in the case of other civil-law jurisdictions, the Civil Code of Venezuela is the backbone of Venezuela's legal system.  It contains rules of substantive law governing basic areas such as contracts, property, torts, obligations, divorce law, sales, leases, security rights, and the law of damages.  The provisions of the Civil Code also serve as gap fillers in other areas of private law, and even in public law as well.

The Civil Code of Venezuela contains nearly two thousand articles divided into a preliminary title and three books.  The preliminary title of the Civil Code, containing articles 1-14, deals with laws and the general rules for the application of laws.  It contains rules on effectiveness of laws, retroactivity of laws, interpretation of laws, and the authority of laws.  These rules are applicable not only in other areas of the Civil Code, but throughout the the Venezuelan legal order.

Book One of the Civil Code of Venezuela containing articles 15-524 deals with the law of persons and family law.  Book Two of the Civil Code of Venezuela, containing articles 525-795, deals with the law of property.  The third and final Book of the Civil Code of Venezuela, comprising articles 796-1995 is, by far, the longest and most important Book of the Code.  This book is entitled "Of the Manners of Acquiring and Transmitting Ownership and Other Rights".  It contains rules on areas that are radically different from each other such as testaments, sales, and security rights.  It also contains the law of obligations (Articles 1133-1430) an area which at civil law comprises subjects as diverse as contracts and torts, as well as the law of damages. 

The second edition of this work has been updated, fundamentally, by including references to decisions of the Supreme Court of Venezuela in constitutional cases that interpret Civil Code articles under new guidelines established by the Constitution of Venezuela.  This edition also includes selections from the Constitution of Venezuela and an extensive Glossary of Venezuelan Civil Law Terms prepared by Julio Romanach, Jr.  This work also includes an analysis of constitutional developments in Venezuelan Civil Law brought about by the jurisprudence of the Venezuelan Supreme Court.  These developments, which have occurred primarily in the area of family law, have led to the constitutionalization of family law in Venezuela.



(English Translation)  4th Edition (2022)
An English translation with an introduction and index
by Julio Romañach, Jr.
isbn-13 (978-1-4004-0064-5)

US$240.00 per copy + $20.00 s/h

Paperbound 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 398 pages


     The Civil Code is the centerpiece of Colombia’s legal system.  It is divided into four books and a preliminary title.  The Preliminary Title contains provisions on fundamental principles of law, applicable throughout the Civil Code and, as suppletive law, to other Colombian codes, laws, and statutes as well.  Book One contains rules on domicile and family law, including marriage and divorce.  Book Two deals with the law of property, and covers both real and personal property.  Book Three addresses the law of decedents’ estates, wills, and donations inter vivos.  Book Four, by far the most extensive, deals with obligations and contracts, encompassing such varied areas as general contract theory, community property, sales, leases, damages, and the law of torts.                        
     This fourth edition of the Civil Code of Colombia updates the text of the articles of the Civil Code as they appeared in the third edition of 2019.  It includes amendments and repealers to the Civil Code enacted by the Colombian Congress as of August 5, 2022, as reflected in official sources. It also includes notes and references to decisions of The Constitutional Court of Colombia, affecting provisions of the Civil Code.
For easy reference, this edition includes an introduction on the structure of the code and a detailed subject-matter index citing to article numbers.  The 2022 Edition contains a special new feature:  An appendix of selected provisions of the Commercial Code of Colombia translated into English.   The appendix includes the articles of the general rules of commercial contracting, assignment of contracts,  commercial sales, and commercial supply contracts among others. 


(English Translation) 
Civil Code of Costa Rica and Family Code of Costa Rica  2nd Edition (2020)

An English translation with an introduction and indices

by Julio Romañach, Jr.
isbn-13 (978-1-4004-0050-8)

US$240.00 per copy + $20.00 s/h

Paperbound 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 283 pages

This 2020 publication is the second edition of Romañach’s English translation of the Civil Code of Costa Rica and the Family Code of Costa Rica.  The civil code provides fundamental rules in contracts, obligations, torts, damages, property, security rights, wills and estates, sales, leases, agency, partnership, and many other areas of private law.  The Family Code, enacted in 1973 by Law No. 5476, includes provisions relating to marriage, divorce, child custody, child support, adoption, and other family law subjects. The Family Code was significantly rewritten in 2019. 

This second edition contains annotations from the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Costa Rica affecting provisions of the Civil Code as well as the Family Code.   For easy reference, this edition includes an introduction on the structure of the codes and detailed subject-matter indices citing to civil code  or family code article numbers.               


CIVIL CODE OF PANAMA (English Translation) 
Civil Code of Panama  and Family Code of Panama -- Selected Substantive Provisions 2nd Edition (2020)

An English translation with

an introduction and indices

by Julio Romañach, Jr.
isbn-13 (978-1-4004-0052-2) US$240.00 per copy + $20.00 s/h
Paperbound 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 355 pages         
     The Civil Code of Panama provides an essential source of private substantive law.  It is divided into a preliminary title and five books.  Areas of the law addressed in the Civil Code include contracts, obligations, torts, damages, property, donations, descent and distribution, wills, agency, partnership, landlord and tenant law, and many others.    Both the Civil Code of Panama and the Family Code of Panama have been significantly amended since the first edition of this work was published in 2009.                                         The Preliminary Title contains principles of general application throughout the Panamanian legal order.  Book One deals with the law of persons.  The provisions on family law have, by and large, been recodified in the Family Code of Panama.  This edition includes selected substantive provisions of the Family Code of Panama and the general support statute (translated into English).   Book Two deals with the law of property, and covers both real and personal property.  Book Three concerns the law of decedents’ estates, wills, and donations inter vivos.  Book Four, the most extensive, encompasses such varied areas as general contract theory, sales, damages, agency, partnership, and the law of torts.  Finally, Book Five provides rules governing notarial law and the law of registry.                       
     This edition includes legislative enactments approved as of September 1, 2020, and an introduction and detailed subject-matter indices citing to civil code or family code article numbers.

(English Translation) 
Civil Code of El Salvador and Family Code of El Salvador  (2020)

An English translation with an introduction and indices

by Julio Romañach, Jr.
isbn-13 (978-1-4004-0051-5)

US$240.00 per copy + $20.00 s/h

Paperbound 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 361 pages


 This publication includes two codes from El Salvador:  the Civil Code and the Family Code.  The Civil Code of El Salvador, originally enacted in 1860, has been in full force and effect since that time.  While this code, as amended from time-to-time, has been in full force and effect for 150 years, the family code is a relatively recent publication:  it was enacted in 1993 and has been in effect since 1994.  These two codes combined contain the bulk of the civil law of El Salvador.  While orginally the family law of El Salvador was included in the civil code, since 1994, with the enactment of the family code, only a handful of provisions on family law remain in the civil code.  The civil code consists of a preliminary title and four books.  The articles of the preliminary title provide fundamental principles and rules that apply throughout the civil code.  Book I deals with the law of persons.  Book II deals with the law of property.  This Book provides rules on nearly all aspects of property law in a systematic fashion.  Book III deals with the law of successions by reason of death and donations inter vivos.  It deals with both testate as well as intestate successions.  Book IV contains both the law of obligations as well as special contracts.  Special contracts include sale, lease, agency, suretyship, pledge, and mortgage.  The Family Code of El Salvador, is comprised of a preliminary title and five books.

(English Translation)
Civil Code of Brazil
Translated into English with an Introduction, Index, and 
Glossaries of Selected Brazilian Civil Law and Civil Procedure Terms
5th Edition Published 2022
by Julio Romanach, Jr.
ISBN-13 (978-1-4004-0062-7) US$240.00 per copy + $20.00 s/h
Paperbound 8 1/2 x 11 inches 447 pages 
The fourth edition of Romanach's English translation of the New Civil Code of Brazil is revised and updated through September 1, 2019, as reflected in official sources.  As in the case of the new Civil and Commercial Code of Argentina, the new Civil Code of Brazil [Law No. 10,406, in effect since January, 2003] effected a virtual mergerof fundamental provisions of civil and commercial law into one code.  The Brazilian Congress expressly repealed the prior Civil Code [Law. No. 3071 of 1916] and the First Part of the Commercial Code [Law No. 556 of June, 1850] when enacting the new Civil Code of Brazil in 2002.   In this edition Romanach updated his English translation of the new Civil Code to include all amendments and additions approved by the Brazilian Congress, as reflected in official sources, through August 10, 2022.  It includes very recent amendments on condominium law; amendments to regulation in cases involving abuse of juridical personality; amendments to rules on interpretation of contracts; amendments to the rules on revision of contracts and various others.
The New Civil Code effects a virtual merger of fundamental provisions of the Brazilian civil and commercial law into one code.  In fact, the New Civil Code contains the greater part of business associations law in the Brazilian juridical order outside of corporations law which remains in Law No. 6404 of  December 15, 1976, as amended.  The New Civil Code contains provisions dealing with commercial companies, including partnerships and limited liability companies, as well as rules on merger, split, dissolution, and liquidation of companies; in addition, it includes extensive provisions on the contracts of insurance and carriage.  Thus besides providing fundamental provisions in traditional civil law subject areas such as contracts, obligations, property, tort law, family law, successions, security rights, and damages -- among many others -- the new Civil Code of Brazil is an essential source for Brazilian commercial law as well.
In additon to providing the codal articles in English translation, this translation begins with an introduction to the Civil Code of Brazil, which provides analytical examination and commentary in summary form of both civil and commercial law in the Civil Code, explaining the main features of each part of the code.
This work also includes a detailed subject-matter index (citing to civil code article numbers) and glossaries of selected Brazilian Civil Law Terms and Civil Procedure Terms translated from Portuguese into English  -- all prepared by Julio Romanach, Jr. 

Translated into English with an Introduction and index
3rd Edition Published 2023 
by Julio Romanach, Jr.
ISBN-13 (978-1-4004-0072-0) US$240.00 per copy + $20.00 s/h
Paperbound 8 1/2 x 11 inches 328 pages 
The 2023 Edition is an updated and revised edition of Romanach's English translation of the Civil Code of Peru containing legislative amendments, additions, and repeals to the articles of the Peruvean Civil Code approved by the Peruvian Congress as of October 4, 2023, as reflected in official sources.  The third edition also includes references to important decisions of the Supreme Court of Peru and other Peruvean courts.  The Civil Code of Peru which went into effect in 1984 is a thoroughly modern code, incorporating many legislative innovations from leading civilian jurisdictions.  This code provides fundamental rules in contracts, obligations, torts, damages, property, security rights, wills and estates, sales, leases, agency, partnership, family law, and many other areas of private law.  For easy reference, this edition includes an introduction on the structure of the code and a detailed subject-matter index citing to civil code article numbers..

Translated into English with an Introduction and index
 2nd Edition Published 2023 
by Julio Romanach, Jr.
ISBN-13 (978-1-4004-0071-3) US$240.00 per copy + $20.00 s/h
Paperbound 8 1/2 x 11 inches 357 pages 

The Civil Code of Uruguay contains more than 2,300 articles, divided into a Preliminary Title and Four Books as follows:  Book One (Of Persons); Book Two (Of Things and Of Their Ownership or Property); Book Three (Of Manners of Acquiring Property); and Book Four (Of Obligations),  Although the Civil Code of Uruguay was originally enacted over a century and a half ago, the Civil Code has been modernized to include many legislative innovations not only in family law but throughout the Civil Code. 
This Civil Code contains many provisions reflecting contemporary legal developments, such as same-sex marraige and the equality of all persons before the law.  This Second Edition of Romanach's 2019 original English translation updates the Civil Code of Uruguay to October 1, 2023.  During the four years since the first edition of this work was published, the Uruguayan Congress has approved significant changes to the articles of the Civil Code.  The amendments have been concentrated, fundamentally, in three areas of the law:  1. Successions and Donations including forced heirship; 2. The law of Prescription, including acquisitive prescription or adverse possession, and liberative prescription or limitation periods.  In this latter area of the law, the time periods generally have been shortened; and 3. Private International Law.
Civil Code of Bolivia (2024)
(English Translation)
Civil Code of Bolivia
Translated into English, with an Introduction and Index 
by Julio Romanach, Jr.
isbn 13 (978-1-4004-0077-5)
Paperbound 8 1/2 x 11 inches 289 pages
US$240.00 per copy + $20.00 s/h
The Civil Code of Bolivia is a modern and well-drafted code encompassing the bulk of traditional civil law subjects (such as contracts, property, security rights etc.) -- All except family law and matrimonial regimes law which are part and parcel of the Family Code.  The Civil Code contains approximately 1,570 articles divided into five Books, as follows:  1) Book One:  Of Persons; 2) Book Two:  Property Law; 3) Book Three:  Of Obligations; 4) Book Four:  Of Successions by Cause of Death; and 5) Book Five:  Of the Exercise, Protection, and Extinction of Rights.
As in the case of most civil codes, the Civil Code of Bolivia is the backbone of Bolivia's civil-law system.  The importance and usefulness of the Civil Code goes well beyond the legal subject areas where it is directly applicable:  that is so, because the Code contains a myriad of general principles that are applicable as default rules, not only in areas of private law but throughout the legal order.  
Julio Romanach's English translation of the Civil Code of Bolivia contains legislative updates, reflected in official sources, as of November 1, 2024. 

(English Translation)
4th Edition Published 2024 
Translated into English with an Introduction and Index 

by Julio Romanach, Jr.
ISBN-13 (978-1-4004-0074-4) US$240.00 per copy + $20.00 s/h

Paperbound 8 1/2 x 11 inches 370 pages 
The importance of the Civil Code of Spain can hardly be overemphasized.  It contains the fundamental framework of the private substantive law of Spain.  For example, the Civil Code provides basic principles of contracts, torts, damages, family law, property, descent and distribution, and various special contracts such as sale.  In addition, the Civil Code provides rules on private international law and gap fillers applicable throughout the entire legal order.  Thus, it is perilous to attempt  to spot issues and evaluate problems involving any aspect of Spanish law without access to the Civil Code.  
For easy reference, this edition includes an introduction and a detailed subject-matter index of both civil and common law terms citing to Civil Code article numbers.
This fourth edition of Romanach's 1994 English translation of the Civil Code of Spain has been revised and updated to include all amendments and additions approved by the Spanish Parliament, as reflected in official sources, through June 4, 2024. This 4th edition includes amendments to all books of the Civil Code.  One noteworthy amendment included in this edition of the Civil Code is the novel approach to animal rights, which has been made a part of the Civil Code.  Under this new approach, "companion animals" are protected by the law, in their own right and not as property items.  This new approach is now prevalent throughout the Civil Code.

Civil Code and Family Code of Honduras (2021)
Translated into English with an Introduction and Indices 
by Julio Romanach, Jr. 
ISBN-13 (978-1-4004-0054-6)
US$240.00 per copy plus $20.00 s/h
Published 2021, Paperbound  8 1/2 x 11 inches, 357 pages
While the Civil Code dates from 1906, the Family Code became effective in 1984, when the bulk of the Honduran family law was transferred from the Civil code to the Family Code.  The Honduran lawmaker has updated these codes from time-to-time in awareness of modern views.  As in the case of other Latin American countries, the civil code is the cornerstone of private law in Honduras.  This edition includes legislative updates, reflected in official sources, as of January 30, 2021 and an introduction and subject-matter indices citing to article numbers.

Civil Code Guatemala (2021)
Translated into English with an Introduction and Index 
by Julio Romanach, Jr. 
ISBN-13 (978-1-4004-0055-3)
US$240.00 per copy plus $20.00 s/h
Published 2021, Paperbound  8 1/2 x 11 inches, 309 pages
The Civil Code of Guatemala enacted into law by Decree-Law No. 106 of 1964, has been in full force and effect since June 1, 1964.  It is a repository of general principles and specific rules intended by the lawmaker to form the basis of private substantive law including family law, contracts, property, decedents' estates, wills, obligations, damages, torts, security rights and many others.  This publication also includes, in an appendix, an English translation of the Guatemalan Law of Adoptions, Law No. 77-2007.  This edition includes legislative updates, reflected in official sources, as of February 25, 2021 and an introduction and subject-matter index citing to Civil Code article numbers.

New Civil Code of Puerto Rico 
In Force Since November 28, 2020 
Translated into English with an Introduction and Index 
by Julio Romanach, Jr. 
ISBN-13 (978-1-4004-0053-9)
US$240.00 per copy plus $20.00 s/h
Published 2021, Paperbound  8 1/2 x 11 inches, 366 pages
The New Civil Code of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, enacted into law by Law No. 55-2020, in effect since November 28, 2020 is divided into a preliminary title and six books and follows a subject-matter organization utilized by the more recently enacted civil codes of Latin America, particularly Argentina and Brazil.  This new code is a thoroughly modern civil code not just in legislative technique of organization  but also in its substantive provisions.  It fully revises the provisions of the Puerto Rican Civil Code of 1930, previously in force (as revised) and reinforces and expands the overriding principle of good faith as a guiding beacon of imperative law.

The Bustamante Code
Bilingual (Spanish/English) Edition
InterAmerican Code of Private International Law
An English translation with an Introduction and Index
by Julio Romanach, Jr.
ISBN-10 (0-9633610-2-3) Published 1996
US$95.00 per copy + s/h
Paperbound, 6 x 9 inches, 209 pages 
An English translation with an introduction and index
by Julio Romañach, Jr.
isbn-13 (978-1-4004-0059-1)

US$240.00 per copy + $20.00 s/h

Paperbound 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 397 pages


     This publication is a translation into English of the Fourth Official Edition (2019) of the Civil Code of Nicaragua, and contains all updates reflected in official sources.  As in other civil law jurisdictions, the civil code is the principal source of private substantive law in the enacting country.  The Civil Code of Nicaragua contains principles and rules governing contracts, obligations, property, descent and distribution, donations, gifts, secured transactions, sales, leases, agency, partnership, and a myriad other subjects.  It is an essential source of gap fillers and default rules throughout the legal order.        

An English translation with an introduction and indices
by Julio Romañach, Jr.
isbn-13 (978-1-4004-0060-7)

US$240.00 per copy + $20.00 s/h

Paperbound 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 320 pages



     The Commercial Code is the main source of commercial law in Nicaragua.  While there are commercial statutes that have not been incorporated into the Commercial Code, the Commercial Code contains fundamental rules in basic areas of commercial law including commercial contracts such as commercial sales, commercial agency, and commercial insurance as well as the transfer of credit rights.  This code also sets forth comprehensive rules governing commercial companies, including corporations, general and limited partnerships, and other forms of commercial associations.  This code also includes a large number of provisions governing maritime law.  
In addition, this publication of the commercial code also contains three appendices providing English translations of the Law of Movable Securities; the Law of Negotiable Instruments; and selected provisions of the Water Transportation Law.
An English translation with an introduction and indices
by Julio Romañach, Jr.
isbn-13 (978-1-4004-0061-4)

US$240.00 per copy + $20.00 s/h

Paperbound 8 1/2 x 11 inches, 340 pages



     This publication contains, in English translation, the Family Code of Nicaragua and the following public laws of Nicaragua:  the Labor Code; the Code of Labor and Social Security Procedure; and the Code of Private International Law. The first of these codes contains the bulk of Nicaraguan family law.  In addition to domestic relations subjects, such as marriage, divorce, filiation, custody and support, tutorships and adoption, the Family Code also contains a regulatory framework for the stable joint living union.  The code regulates the Nicaraguan law of homestead and contains rules on civil procedure involving family law actions.  It is interesting to note that provisions dealing with family violence appear as a main subject area in Book One of the Family Code.  This underscores the resolve of the Nicaraguan lawmaker in attempting to diminish its occurrence in Nicaraguan family life.